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New Horizons

By: Chris Kujawa

November, 08, 2018

There are times in your life that it becomes necessary to set your sights on new horizons. That time has recently come for me, and after spending the last four years of my 10-year career as a software developer at the same company, that time has come for me. For reasons that I cannot share here, my wife and I have decided that for us, that time has come.

A lot has changed in the web development space since I had last focused there. Both HTML and CSS have added many new features (that's right, I last did front-end development BEFORE the advent of HTML5/CSS3) and jQuery doesn't seem to be as popular as it once was. Javascript is much more robust than I remember, and wow are there a lot of choices for frameworks: Angular, React, and Vue. There are static site generators like Gatsby that generate blazing fast sites. And then there's Node.js. I'm like a kid in a candy store--and have very much enjoyed learning some new tricks over the past few months. But hey, at least Wordpress is still around!

And with that, I'm setting out to work with clients to build beautiful, responsive, and effective eCommerce sites using the tools that I have been working with over the last several months. I still plan on working in Java from time to time, but let's face it, as a small to mid-size online retailer, Java is just too heavy. But tools like React and Gatsby provide an excellent foundation for your new eCommerce site. And I would love to explore how I can help you grow your online business by creating or enhancing your online storefront. So why not contact me now, so we can begin to discuss how I can be of service to you.